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N.º ADI #:W3A-Y000SF-K013-11 modelo #: W3A-Y000SF-K013-11 Nombre: KAC W3A-Y000SF-K013-11 Wcp3a-Fe1140-Plain
This call point is IP67 rated and specifically designed for external use or areas with a high level of moisture present.
This call point is supplied complete with a plastic resettable element, which means that the call point can be easily reset after it has been activated.
Descripción del producto
General Información
Características principales
This call point is IP67 rated and specifically designed for external use or areas with a high level of moisture present.
This call point is supplied complete with a plastic resettable element, which means that the call point can be easily reset after it has been activated.
Categoría : Fuego, Módulos de panel de control, Paneles de control de incendios, Productos