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N.º ADI #:DET8M modelo #: DET8M Nombre: Honeywell DET8M Wireless Flood Sensor and Temperature Sensor
Flood probe (one FP280 supplied):
Alarm signalling within 60 seconds
Freezer : -12°C (adjustable from -18°C to -6°C)
Descripción del producto
General Información
Honeywell Home DET8M sensor is a versatile wireless device that can be configured to operate as a standalone temperature sensor and/or a remote temperature sensor or a flood sensor. The DET8M offers a real advantage in detecting flooding and allows a signal to be transmitted from the panel to the monitoring station to allow for fast reaction to avoid property damage and high costs associated with flood damage.
Características principales
Dual Protocol for compatibility with Galaxy Dimension, G2, Le Sucre�, Domonial and Vista panels
Built in temperature sensor - Cold: 8�C (adjustable from 2�C to 14�C) - Hot: 26�C (adjustable from 20�C to 32�C) - Alarm signalling within 10 minutes